Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Do It In The Raw

Summer season is around the corner and the fresh fruits and vegetables will be bountiful. Why not consider incorporating some raw foods into your diet?  The benefits of raw foods are endless.

Raw foods are easy to digest and they provide the maximum amount of energy to fuel the body. Studies have shown that raw foods have healing powers that can alleviate many conditions such as low energy, allergies, digestive disorders, weak immune system, high cholesterol, Candida, obesity and weight problems (weight normalization).  Research and real life experiences have also shown that a person can reduce malignant transformation of healthy cells by consuming mostly an organic raw foods diet. Since the nutrients in raw foods are in their prime condition, they are easier for the body to digest and utilize, giving a diseased body more fuel and energy to heal itself, versus spending energy merely on digestion.

Cooked foods are less optimal since heat changes the nutritional composition of food. Heating causes the beneficial enzymes in food to be destroyed. The digestive system has to work harder and longer to process these foods. In the debate over which is best, cooked or raw, raw typically comes out on top, but experts say it depends on the food, for instance, it is believed that lycopene is best when heated such as in tomatoes.
Some nutrients, such as minerals like calcium and zinc, won’t decay much when cooked. But most vitamins/minerals , particularly Vitamin C and Vitamin B, which are water soluble, get lost with cooking. Therefore, some experts recommend eating a variety of raw and cooked foods.

Eating raw does not mean having carrot sticks and salad every day. It is possible to create raw pizza, raw chocolate cake and raw chili. For local readers, join us for a Free Intro to Raw Foods class at 3 Rivers Natural Food Market on May 17th @2:00.  For more information, contact me @ 260-245-0128 or  Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What is Functional Fitness?

You've been working out at the gym all winter, and you’re stronger than ever. You’re toned, tight and ready for the beach. Then you bend down to pick up the keys you dropped, and you throw your back out. What happened? Could it be you’re not doing enough functional fitness?
What is functional fitness? 
Functional fitness creates real life movements in real life positions and prepares you for activities of every day living. It’s using as many muscles as possible while mimicking a movement that is close to real life action. For instance, if you are an athlete, you are training to become more functional on the field, but if you are someone just training to become more functional with every day tasks such as emptying the dishwasher, mowing the lawn or picking up a toddler, the function you are trying to improve means something very different.  This is the type of exercise I teach Cancer patients, diabetics and anyone else recovering from any type of degenerative disease or injury.  
For cancer patients that have chosen the traditional route of treatment, it is a way to speed up the process of eliminating the toxins from the body that the treatment has left behind.  It also helps to quickly regain quality of life. For a diabetic, it is an easy way to regain strength and help with things like neurapathy. . Exercise also triggers the release of natural painkilling compounds called endorphins.
For diabetics who experience minor neuropathy, the best exercises include low-impact activities, such as walking and bicycling. Water exercises, which can build strength without risk for injury from falling, are especially good for people who have balance problems. Aim to exercise for 30 minutes three to four times weekly -- as tolerated. 
Functional strength training goes beyond cardiovascular and strength, it’s high intensity and focuses on balance, flexibility, agility and speed. Functional fitness uses exercise tools like wobble boards, stability balls, free weights and fitness bands. Functional fitness forces you to work your core and keep your body balanced while lifting weight and working the entire body.
Exercise machines isolate certain muscle groups, while the rest remain sedentary. When you exercise with standard gym machines, you're locked into a fixed position. A belt or bar or padded seat keeps you stable while you perform a simple motion--one meant to exercise a single muscle, while seated on a bench. That's fine--as far as it goes. But how often in real life do you lift weights while seated? There are limitations with just working out with machines because:
• Machines don’t accommodate every body type.
• Machines don’t build balance or coordination.
• Machines can force you to move through a harmful range of motion.
• Machines stabilize your body for you.
• Machines are not practical. You need several machines to get a full body workout.
• Machines overdevelop the superficial muscles of your body such as the deltoids (shoulders) and latissimus dorsi (lats).
• Machines do not develop the stabilizer muscles, such as the rotator cuff and erector spine muscles, which lie underneath the deltoid and latisimus dorsi muscles respectively.
• Machines do not strengthen tendons and ligaments.
• Machines contribute to injury due to the overdevelopment of superficial muscles and underdevelopment of stabilizer muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
There is a huge benefit, particularly as we age, to incorporate functional exercise into your daily routine.
• Functional fitness is versatile. One set of dumbbells can be used for several exercises.
• Functional fitness builds balance and coordination.
• Functional fitness allows your body to move through ranges of motion that match real life.
• Functional fitness better develops the critical mind-muscle link, allowing for better development.
• Functional fitness not only builds the superficial muscles, but also builds the deeper stabilizer muscles.
• Functional fitness develops tendon and ligament strength.
• Functional fitness helps prevent injury because it equally develops superficial muscles, stabilizer muscles and tendons.

I like to incorporate this type of work out into my weekly routine at least twice a week along with cardio, strength training and high intensity - low duration exercises.  Physical activity helps maintain your physical abilities and prevent disabilities

So you might be fit. But fit for what? Looking great at the beach? Exercise should have a higher purpose than making you look good. It should make you stronger and more limber in performing the tasks of every day life. That’s not to say that looking good isn’t important too, but why not have both?
See you in the gym........

Diane Henry

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Staying in Balance

The body is a self cleaning, self healing organism and  has an innate wisdom and ability to heal itself  that surpasses most advanced medical technology, but it must be given the tools to support these intrinsic healing abilities.

Nutrition, healthy diet and proper nutrition are vital.  Most cancer patients don't die from cancer, they die from malnutrition, toxemia, and /or opportunistic infection. This is why nutrition and supplementation is vital. By doing so, you avoid the chances of malnutrition, modulate tumor growth factors, minimize the effects of toxic therapies, protect healthy tissue, stimulate the immune system and improve quality of life.

There are things you can do to create proper body alignment and remove blockages in the nervous system such as chiropractic adjustment, massage, acupuncture healing touch and other energy energy therapies.  This  creates proper energy flow to help in the bodies recovery.  Any kind of blockage in energy stifles the healing process.

 The detoxification and elimination systems of the body must be strengthened.  A highly toxic body cannot absorb the healthiest of foods or the best supplements if the body isn't functioning at optimal levels or absorption rate is compromised.  You have to detox before you can put the good stuff in.  Two things can not fit in one space.  Get the bad out so the good can go in.

An immune system that is running at optimal level is key.  It can be strengthened or weakened by what we eat, how much sleep we get and what we think.  Supplementing, exercise, whole organic foods, pure filtered water and keeping our mind and spirit healthy all play a role in boosting the immune system.

The last component is the psycho - spiritual aspects of emotional wellness.  Our mind is a very powerful tool. Tell yourself you are feeling bad, and guess what? you feel bad.  Tell yourself you are mad, sad,  angry and this too begins to manifest.  Balance in this area creates the drive and determination to take on all the rest of the components of healing.  With the right mindset, you can achieve almost anything. You might not feel like exercising or eating right but if you have the right mind set you can persevere.  Identifying and releasing deep seated unconscious negative emotions and thought patterns , maintaining an attitude of hope and positive belief can make the difference between healing and dying.

 The National foundation for Alternative Medicine evaluated over 100 international cancer clinics in 28 countries .  There was a common pattern of treatment which was found as the most highly regarded and the most successful .  The treatment included all five of the components we talked about.   Being in a state of optimal health and wellness involves harmony on all of these levels .  If one is out of balance, less than optimal healing will result.  With homeostasis in all areas, meaning physiological and emotional  balance is achieved,  then the healing process can begin.  It is our nature to be healthy and given the right tools, you can achieve this.

Here's to your health!
Peace :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

"Imagine a world in which medicine was oriented toward healing rather than disease, where doctors believed in the natural healing capacity of human beings and emphasized prevention above treatment. In such a world doctors and patients would be partners working toward the same ends."
~Andrew Weil, MD

Sunday, May 1, 2011

March is National Colorectal Cancer Month

RAW Living Fuel: WELCOME!:

A healthy colon requires certain nutrients to remain healthy. Some of the needed nutrients are: soluble fiber, insoluble fiber, micro flora supplements, water and oligosaccharides (FOS) which are found in many vegetables. One of the benefits of oligosaccharides is that they can pass through the human digestive system without being totally broken down. In fact, almost 90% escapes digestion in the small intestine and reaches the colon where it acts a prebiotic. A prebiotic helps to balance the bacteria in the colon.
There are some factors that disrupt the colon: low fiber diets, antibiotics, excessive stress, infections, use of harsh chemical and herbal laxatives. These factors alone can destroy the micro flora which allows bacteria and yeast to take over and damage the colon.

There are things you can do to keep your colon healthy and resistant to infection and cancer. Here are a few easy steps to follow:

• Foods that are rich in fiber are good for good colon function. Leafy vegetables and fruits should be eaten as much as possible. Processed foods, saturated fats and refined sugars must be avoided.

• It is a good idea to take multivitamins as a supplement, because we might not be getting the required amount of nutrients from the food we eat. Research shows taking vitamin D and fish oil daily can reduce the risk of having colon cancer.

• Constipation from lack of water or from other means of fluid can block the removal of waste. Drink eight or more glasses of water a day oo help eliminate toxins from the body.

• When you have to go, you HAVE to go! If you think “holding it” is ok, you’re wrong! Holding back bowel movements is what causes diverticulitis, which are due to bowel pockets that form in the lower segment of the colon. These bowel pockets “trap” feces.

• Give up smoking. Smoking has many negative effects on the body including causing colon problems. There are many great programs in place that can aid people wanting to break an addiction to nicotine.

• Be aware of your family health history. Colon cancer can be hereditary therefore it's imperative that every person have a thorough understanding of the colon health of their ancestors. Many families do not openly discuss health issues, particularly those involving the colon. Ask your family members about their colon health to ensure you are aware of any potential problems.

Exercise plays an important role in reducing the risk of colon cancer recurrence or death as cited in several studies. One report found that a certain level of exercise may reduce your risk of colon cancer, while another concluded that exercise improves the outcome after colon cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Most of all get screened. Early detection can make all the difference in the world.

If you are at average risk for colorectal cancer, start having regular screening at age 50. If you are at greater risk, you may need to begin regular screening at an earlier age. The best time to get screened is before any symptoms appear.